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Provider support

Terrareg supports Terraform providers and indexing via Github - this is currently in an alpha release and still requires some additional work to be completely usable.

WARNING: (yes, these are fairly fundamental missing features, but this is an alpha feature) it is not possible to refresh new versions of providers at present, nor is it possble to delete/modify providers after creation.

Do not use this feature yet in any production environment.

To add providers:

  • Setup a "Provider source" for the VCS that the provider is hosted on.
  • Following the Hashicorp documentation for publishing providers in Github (adding GPG key, Github actions for creating releases and generated SHA and SHA.sig files).
  • Authenticate to Terrareg either via the VCS provider SSO and install the created Github application in the user/org that the provider is present OR (if default_access_token provider source config has been configured).
  • Goto 'Create -> Provider', select the namespace that matches the VCS org/user (use 'Refresh namespaces' if need be)
  • Select the repository and click 'Create provider'
  • Terrareg will index the latest version, which must be published in Github at the time of creation.