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Configuration Reference

Application environment variables

The following environment variables are available to configure the application


Set additional markdown files from a module to be displayed in the UI.

Value must be a JSON array of arrays. Each child array is should have exactly two elements: * The name of the tab * An array of files to search for in a repository.

When a module is indexed, Terrareg will search for the source for each of the tabs. It will search through each of the files in the list until it finds a file and it will use this file (only).

The tabs will be displayed in order of their placement in the outer list. If multiple files are provided (even if multiple files are present in the repo), the first file found in the repository will be used for the tab content.

Filenames with an extension .md will be treated as markdown. All other files will be treated as plain-text.


[["Release Notes", ["", ""]], ["Development Guidelines", [""]], ["License", ["LICENSE"]]]

Default: [["Release Notes", ["", ""]], ["License", ["LICENSE"]]]


Password/API key to for authentication as the built-in admin user.

Default: ``


Session timeout for admin cookie sessions

Default: 60


Comma-separated list of allowed providers.

Leave empty to disable allow-list and allow all providers.

Default: ``


Whether module providers can specify their own git repository source.

Default: True


Whether module versions can specify git repository in terrareg config.

Default: True


Whether to allow the force deletion of module provider redirects.

Force deletion is required if module calls are still using the redirect and analytics tokens indicate that some have not used migrated to the new name.

Default: False


Whether uploaded modules can be downloaded directly.

Set to one of the following: * True - Allow module hosting, if Git clone path is not set (either at module or git provider), * False - Do not allow module hosting - all modules must be configured with a Git clone URL (either at module or git provider), * Enforce - Modules are always hosted directory. If provided, Git clone URLs are only used for module indexing.

Default: true


Whether unauthenticated access to Terrareg is allowed.

If disabled, all users must authenticate to be able to access the interface and Terraform authentication is required

Default: True


Whether modules can be downloaded with Terraform without specifying an identification string in the namespace

Default: False


List of comma-separated values for Terraform auth tokens for deployment environments.

E.g. xxxxxx.deploy1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx:dev,zzzzzz.deploy1.zzzzzzzzzzzzz:prod In this example, in the 'dev' environment, the auth token for Terraform would be: xxxxxx.deploy1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx and the auth token for Terraform for prod would be: zzzzzz.deploy1.zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

To disable auth tokens and to report all downloads, leave empty.

To only record downloads in a single environment, specify a single auth token. E.g. zzzzzz.deploy1.zzzzzzzzzzzzz

For information on using these API keys, please see Terraform:

Default: ``


Description to be provided to user about analytics token (e.g. The name of your application)

Default: ``


Name of analytics token to provide in responses (e.g. application name, team name etc.)

Default: analytics token


Name of application to be displayed in web interface.

Default: Terrareg


Whether to automatically generate module provider descriptions, if they are not provided in terrareg metadata file of the module.

Default: True


Whether to automatically generate usage builder variables from the required variables and their descriptions. When disabled, the usage builder will only be displayed on a module when the "variable_template" section of the terrareg.json metadata file is populated.

Default: True


Whether to automatically create module providers when uploading module versions, either from create endpoint or hooks.

If disabled, modules must be created using the module provider create endpoint (or via the web interface).

Default: True


Whether to automatically create namespaces when uploading a module version to a module provider in a non-existent namespace.

If disabled, namespaces must be created using the namespace create endpoint (or via web UI)

Default: True


Whether to automatically generated namespaces for each user (and all related organisations) that authenticate to Terrareg.

The user will have full permissions over these namespaces.

Default: False


Whether new module versions (either via upload, import or hook) are automatically published and available.

If this is disabled, the publish endpoint must be called before the module version is displayed in the list of module versions.

NOTE: Even whilst in an unpublished state, the module version can still be accessed directly, but not used within Terraform.

Default: True


Custom name for 'contributed namespace' in UI.

Default: Contributed


URL for database. Defaults to local SQLite database.

To setup SQLite database, use sqlite:///<path to SQLite DB>

To setup MySQL, use mysql+mysqlconnector://<user>:<password>@<host>[:<port>]/<database>

Default: sqlite:///modules.db


Directory for storing module data.

This directory must be persistent (e.g. mounted to shared volume for distributed docker containers).

To use S3 for storing module/provider archives, specify in the form s3://<bucketname>/subdir, e.g. s3://my-terrareg-bucket or s3://another-bucket/terrareg/dev.

If S3 is used for the DATA_DIRECTORY, the UPLOAD_DIRECTORYconfiguration must be configured to a local path.

Default: ./data


Whether Flask and SQLalchemy is setup in debug mode.

Default: False


Default version of Terraform that will be used to extract module, if terraform required_version has not been specified.

Default: 1.3.6


Default view type in UI for inputs and outputs

Set to one of the following: * table - show the inputs and outputs in a table * expanded - shows the inputs and outputs as a list, more suitable for long descriptions and descriptions containing markdown tables

Default: table


Whether uploaded modules, that provide an external URL for the artifact, should be removed after analysis. If enabled, module versions with externally hosted artifacts cannot be re-analysed after upload.

Default: False


Disable module download analytics.

This stops analytics tokens being displayed in the UI.


Default: False


Whether to disable 'terrareg exclusive' labels from feature tabs in UI.

Set to True to disable the labels.

Default: False


Domain name that the system is hosted on.

This should be setup for all installations, but is required for Infracost and OpenID authentication.

Note: The configuration is deprecated, please set the PUBLIC_URL configuration instead.

Default: ``


Enables role based access controls for SSO users.

Enabling this feature will restrict all SSO users from performing any admin tasks. Group mappings can be setup in the settings page, providing SSO users and groups with global or namespace-based permissions.

When disabled, all SSO users will have global admin privileges.

Default: False


Whether to perform security scans of uploaded modules and display them against the module, submodules and examples.

Default: True


Directory with a module's source that contains examples.

Examples are expected to be within sub-directories of the examples directory.

E.g. If EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY is set to examples, with the root module, the following would be expected for an example: examples/myexample/

Default: examples


Example analytics token to provide in responses (e.g. my-tf-application, my-slack-channel etc.).

Note that, if this token is used in a module call, it will be ignored and treated as if an analytics token has not been provided. If analytics tokens are required, this stops users from accidentally using the example placeholder in Terraform projects.

If removed set to an empty string, examples of using an analytics token is removed from the UI.

Note: This config can be set to "EMPTY" to set it to an empty string, if empty strings are not supported by your orchestrator.

Default: my-tf-application


Comma-separated list of file extensions to be extracted/shown in example file lists.

Example: tf,sh,json

Supported languages for syntax highlighting:

  • HCL
  • JavaScript/JSON
  • Bash
  • Batch
  • PL/SQL
  • PowerShell
  • Python
  • Dockerfile/docker-compose

NOTE: For new file types to be shown module versions must be re-indexed

Default: ['tf', 'tfvars', 'sh', 'json']


Github API URL for using Github authentication.

Defaults to public Github. Change to use self-hosted hosted Github, e.g.



Github app client ID for Github authentication.

See USER_GUIDE for setting up Github app.

Default: ``


Github App client secret for Github authentication.

See USER_GUIDE for setting up Github app.

Default: ``


Login button text for authenticating to Github

Default: Login with Github


URL to Github for using Github authentication.

Defaults to public Github. Change to use self-hosted hosted Github.



Timeout for git clone commands in seconds.

Leave empty to disable timeout for clone.

Warning - if a git clone is performed without a timeout set, the request may never complete and could leave locks on the database, requiring an application restart.

Default: 300


Git provider config. JSON list of known git providers. Each item in the list should contain the following attributes: - name - Name of the git provider (e.g. 'Corporate Gitlab')

  • base_url - Formatted base URL for project's repo. (e.g.{namespace}/{module} or{namespace}/{module})
  • clone_url - Formatted clone URL for modules. (e.g. ssh://{namespace}/{module}.git or{namespace}/{module}-{provider}.git) Note: Do not include {version} placeholder in the URL - the git tag will be automatically provided. If using SSH, the domain must be separated by the path using a forward slash. Use a colon to specify a port (e.g. ssh://

  • browse_url - Formatted URL for user-viewable source code (e.g.{namespace}/{module}-{provider}/tree/{tag}/{path} or{namespace}/{module}/src/{version}?at=refs%2Ftags%2F{tag_uri_encoded}). Must include placeholders: - {path} (for source file/folder path) - {tag} or {tag_uri_encoded} for the git tag

  • git_path - (optional) Formatted path to be used as default git_path for modules. (e.g. /modules/{module}) Any placeholders used in git_path can be omitted from base_url, clone_url and browse_url.

An example for public repositories, using SSH for cloning, might be:

[{"name": "Github", "base_url": "{namespace}/{module}", "clone_url": "ssh://{namespace}/{module}.git", "browse_url": "{namespace}/{module}/tree/{tag}/{path}"},
{"name": "Bitbucket", "base_url": "{namespace}/{module}", "clone_url": "ssh://{namespace}/{module}-{provider}.git", "browse_url": "{namespace}/{module}-{provider}/src/{tag}/{path}"},
{"name": "Gitlab", "base_url": "{namespace}/{module}", "clone_url": "ssh://{namespace}/{module}-{provider}.git", "browse_url": "{namespace}/{module}-{provider}/-/tree/{tag}/{path}"}]

Default: []


Directory to cache go packages

Default: /tmp/terrareg-go-package-cache


A list of a Terraform auth keys that can be used to authenticate to the registry to ignore check for valid analytics token in module path.

It is recommended that examples in modules do not include analytics tokens in calls to other modules hosted in the registry, to avoid having to add analytics tokens to test the examples during development of the modules.

No analytics of the module usage are captured when this auth key is used.

The value should be a comma-separated list of auth keys.

The auth key can be used by placing in a "credential" block in the user's .terraformrc file.

Default: ``


API key for Infracost.

Set this to enable cost-analysis of module examples.

To generate an API key: Log in at > select your organization > Settings

For cost analysis to be performed on modules which utilise other modules from this registry, ensure DOMAIN_NAME is set.

Default: ``


Self-hosted Infracost pricing API endpoint.

For information on self-hosting the Infracost pricing API, see

Default: ``


Whether to skip TLS verification for self-hosted pricing endpoints

Default: False


Analytics token used by Terraform initialised by the registry.

This is used by the registry to call back to itself when analysing module examples.

The value should be changed if it might result in a conflict with a legitimate analytics token used in Terraform that calls modules from the registry.

This variable was previously called INTERNAL_EXTRACTION_ANALYITCS_TOKEN. Support for the previous name will be dropped in a future release. INTERNAL_EXTRACTION_ANALYITCS_TOKEN will be read if INTERNAL_EXTRACTION_ANALYTICS_TOKEN is unset.

Default: internal-terrareg-analytics-token


Port for server to listen on.

Default: 5000


URL of logo to be used in web interface.

Default: /static/images/logo.png


Whether terrareg with manage (overwrite) the terraform.rc file in the user's home directory.

This is required for terraform to authenticate to the registry to ignore any analytics when initialising Terraform modules during extraction.

When this is disabled, analytics will be recorded when Terrareg extracts modules that call to other modules in the registry.

This is disabled by default in the application, meaning that running terrareg locally, by default, will not manage this file. The docker container, by default, overrides this to enable the functionality, since it is running in an isolated environment and unlikely to overwrite user's own configurations.

Default: False


Directory with a module's source that contains sub-modules.

submodules are expected to be within sub-directories of the submodule directory.

E.g. If MODULES_DIRECTORY is set to modules, with the root module, the following would be expected for a submodule: modules/submodulename/

This can be set to an empty string, to expected submodules to be in the root directory of the parent module.

Default: modules

List of custom links to display on module provides.

Each link must contain a display and and link URL. These can contain placeholders, such as:

  • namespace
  • module
  • provider
  • version

The links can be provided with a list of namespaces to limit the link to only modules within those namespaces.

The format should be similar to this example:

    {"text": "Text for the link e.g. Github Issues for {module}",
     "url": "{namespace}/{module}-{provider}/issues"},
    {"text": "Second link limited to two namespaces",
     "url": "",
     "namespaces": ["namespace1", "namespace2"]}

Default: []


This configuration defines how re-indexes a module version, that already exists, behaves.

This can be set to one of:

  • 'legacy' - The new module version will replace the old one. Until the version is re-published, it will not be available to Terraform. Analytics for the module version will be retained.
  • 'auto-publish' - The new module version will replace the old one. If the previous version was published, the new version will be automatically published. Analytics for the module version will be retained.
  • 'prohibit' - If a module version has already been indexed, it cannot be re-indexed via hooks/API calls without the version first being deleted.

Default: legacy


Whether to return git commit hash to Terraform for module versions.

If disabled, Terraform will be downloaded with the git tag, which it will use. The user will "blindly" use whatever the tag points to, meaning that if it's modified, users will not.

If enabled, Terrareg will return the git commit hash that was obtained during indexing.

If the commit is removed from the repository, users will no longer be able to use the module without re-indexing.

If the tag is modified, the module version will need to be re-indexed in Terrareg.

For modules that do not use git, this configuration has not effect.

If the module version does not have a recorded git commit hash (if the module version existed prior to the feature being available in Terrareg), then the git tag will be used as a fallback.

Default: False


Client ID for OpenID Connect authentication

Default: ``


Client secret for OpenID Connect authentication

Default: ``


Enable debug of OpenID connect via stdout.

This should only be enabled for non-production environments.

Default: False


Base Issuer URL for OpenID Connect authentication.

A well-known URL will be expected at ${OPENID_CONNECT_ISSUER}/.well-known/openid-configuration

Default: ``


Text for sign in button for OpenID Connect authentication

Default: Login using OpenID Connect


Comma-separated list of scopes to be included in OpenID authentication request.

The OpenID profile should provide a 'groups' attribute, containing a list of groups that the user is a member of.

A common configuration may require a 'groups' scope to be added to the list of scopes.

Default: ['openid', 'profile']


Product to use when performing module extraction

Options: terraform, opentofu

Default: terraform


JSON list of provider categories.

Must be a list of objects, with the following attributes:

  • id - Category ID. Must be a unique integer.
  • name - Name of category.
  • slug - A unique API-friendly name of the category, using lower-case letters and hyphens. Defaults to converted name with lower case letters, dashes for spaces and other characters removed.
  • user-selectable (optional, defaults to true) - boolean based on whether it is selectable by the user. Non-user selectable categories can only currently be assigned in the database.

Default: [{"id": 1, "name": "Example Category", "slug": "example-category", "user-selectable": true}]


Git provider config for terraform Providers, as a JSON list.

These are used for authenticating to the provider, obtain repository information and provide integration for creating Terraform providers.

Each item in the list must contain the following attributes:

  • name - Name of the git provider (e.g. 'Github')
  • type - The type of SCM tool (supported: github)
  • login_button_text - Login button text for authenticating to Github
  • auto_generate_namespaces - Whether to automatically generate namespaces for the user and the organisations that the user is an admin of

Github-specific attributes (See USER_GUIDE for configuring this):

  • base_url - Base public URL, e.g.
  • api_url - API URL, e.g.
  • app_id - Github app ID
  • client_id - Github app client ID for Github authentication.
  • client_secret - Github App client secret for Github authentication.
  • private_key_path - Path to private key generated for Github app.
  • default_access_token (optional) - Github access token, used for perform Github API requests for providers that are not authenticated via Github App.
  • default_installation_id (optional) - A default installation that provides access to Github APIs for providers that are not authenticated via Github App.

An example for public repositories, using SSH for cloning, might be:

[{"name": "Github", "type": "github",
  "base_url": "", "api_url": "",
  "client_id": "some-client-id", "client_secret": "some-secret",
  "app_id": "123456", "private_key_path": "./supersecretkey.pem",
  "access_token": "abcdefg", "auto_generate_namespaces": true

Default: []


The URL that is used for accessing Terrareg by end-users.


Ensure the protocol is https if Terrareg is accessible over https. Provide the port if necessary.

If left empty, the protocol will be assumed to be HTTPS, the port will be assumed to be 443 and the domain will fallback to be the value set in DOMAIN_NAME.

Default: ``


List of comma-separated list of API keys to publish module versions.

To disable authentication for publish endpoint, leave empty.

Default: ``


Number of days' worth of analytics data to use to determine if a redirect is still in use.

For example, if set to 1, if a Terraform module was accessed via a redirect in the past 1 day, it will require forceful deletion to delete (unless a more recent download of the module by the same analytics token no longer uses the redirect).

Value of 0 disables the look-back and redirects can always be removed without force

Value of -1 will not limit the look-back period and all analytics will be used.

Default: -1


Comma-separated list of metadata attributes that each uploaded module must contain, otherwise the upload is aborted.

Default: ``


Enable debug of Saml2 via stdout.

This should only be enabled for non-production environments.

Default: False


SAML2 provider entity ID of the application.

Default: ``


SAML2 user data group attribute.

Default: groups


SAML2 provider metadata url

Default: ``


SAML2 provider entity ID.

This is required if the SAML2 provider metadata endpoint contains multiple entities.

Default: ``


Text for sign in button for SAML2 authentication

Default: Login using SAML


SAML2 private key for this application.

To generate, run:

openssl genrsa -out private.key 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -out publickey.cer -days 365
# Export values to environment variables
export SAML2_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat private.key)"
export SAML2_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat publickey.cer)"

Default: ``


SAML2 public key for this application.

To generate, see SAML2_PRIVATE_KEY

Default: ``


Flask secret key used for encrypting sessions.

Can be generated using: python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())'

Default: ``


DSN Integration URL for sentry

Default: ``


Sample rate for capturing traces in sentry.

Must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0

Default: 1.0


Set the server application used for running the application. Set the SERVER environment variable to one of the following options:

  • builtin - Use the default built-in flask web server. This is less performant and is no longer recommended for production use-cases.
  • waitress - Uses waitress for running the application. This does not support SSL offloading, meaning that it must be used behind a reverse proxy that performs SSL-offloading.

Default: builtin


Warning to be displayed as top banner of website.

Default: ``


Path to SSL private certificate key.

If running in a container, the key must be mounted inside the container. This value must be set to the path of the key within the container.

This must be set in accordance with SSL_CERT_PUBLIC_KEY - both must either be set or left empty.

Default: ``


Path to SSL public key.

If running in a container, the key must be mounted inside the container. This value must be set to the path of the key within the container.

This must be set in accordance with SSL_CERT_PRIVATE_KEY - both must either be set or left empty.

Default: ``


Mirror for obtaining version list and downloading Terraform.

Defaults to default mirror used by tfswitch

Default: ``


Template of version number string to be used in Terraform examples in the UI. This is used by the snippet example of a Terraform module and the 'resource builder' example.

The template can contain the following placeholders:

  • {major}, {minor}, {patch}
  • {major_minus_one}, {minor_minus_one}, {patch_minus_one}
  • {major_plus_one}, {minor_plus_one}, {patch_plus_one}

Some examples:

  • >= {major}.{minor}.{patch}, < {major_plus_one}.0.0
  • ~> {major}.{minor}.{patch}

For more information, see Terraform documentation:

Default: {major}.{minor}.{patch}


Template of version number string to be used in Terraform examples in the UI for pre-1.0.0 releases.

See TERRAFORM_EXAMPLE_VERSION_TEMPLATE for expected value types.

Since semantic versioning denotes that releases prior to 1.0.0 may release breaking changes, this can be configured to provide example constraints that pin more aggressively.

The configuration defaults to the configured value of TERRAFORM_EXAMPLE_VERSION_TEMPLATE

Default: {major}.{minor}.{patch}


Terraform OIDC identity token expiry length (seconds).

Defaults to 1 hour.

Default: 3600


Path of a signing key to be used for Terraform OIDC identity provider.

This must be set to authenticate users via Terraform.

The key can be generated using:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f signing_key.pem
# Do not set a password

Default: ./signing_key.pem


Subject ID hash salt for Terraform OIDC identity provider.

This must be set to authenticate users via terrareg. This is required if disabling ALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_ACCESS.

Must be set to a secure random string

Default: ``


The amount of time a module download pre-signed URL should be valid for (in seconds).

When Terraform downloads a module, it calls a download endpoint, which returns the pre-signed URL, which should be immediately used by Terraform, meaning that this should not need to be modified.

If Terrareg runs across multiple containers, across multiple instances that can suffer from time drift, this value may need to be increased.

Default: 10


Secret value for encrypting tokens used in pre-signed URLs to authenticate module source downloads.

This is required when requiring authentication in Terrareg and modules do not use git.

Default: ``


Whether Flask is configured to enable threading

Default: True


Comma-separated list of trusted namespaces.

Default: ``


Custom name for 'trusted namespace' in UI.

Default: Trusted


List of comma-separated list of API keys to upload/import new module versions.

For Bitbucket hooks, one of these keys must be provided as the 'secret' to the web-hook.

To disable authentication for upload endpoint, leave empty.

Default: ``


Directory for storing temporary upload data.

By default, this uses an 'upload' sub-directory of the DATA_DIRECTORY.

However, if the DATA_DIRECTORY is configured to 's3', this path must be changed to a local directory.

In most situations, the path can be set to a temporary directory.

Default: ./data/UPLOAD


Password for upstream git repositories. This is used when indexing a module version, as Terrareg clones the repository.

Default: ``


Username for upstream git repositories. This is used when indexing a module version, as Terrareg clones the repository.

Default: ``


Custom name for 'verified module' in UI.

Default: Verified


List of namespaces, who's modules will be automatically set to verified.

Default: ``